purple gumamela close up - very rare...
jasmine singing in the dead of night...
very small and delicate yellow flowers...
close-up of our purple and black orchid...
white flowers blooming in summer...
yellow bell rambling up all around my garden...
sunnydrop, my 8am flower...
dancing lady orchid - small and delicate... click to blow up the pic
white flowers...
sunny drop flowers, dew drops in the early mornings...
my favirute orchid - night shot...
gumamela again - close up this time - click for a detailed view of a complete flower...
huge footlong flowers - soooo fragrant in the evenings...
a rose is a rose is a rose...
click for a blownup pic of my favorite orchid...
orchids, purple and black...
red cactus flowers blooming year round...
red red red gumamela...
purple and black orchids...