We've been walking at midday right under the heat of the sun. First we had lunch at this hawker center where we had the most fabulous seafood soup I've ever had so far here in Singapore. Then we walked some more, took some shots of ourselves right there on the streets... tongue in cheek while motorists turned a head or two... probably amused seeing nonconventional tourists finding the streets of Singapore picturesque enough to take pictures.

Then we reached the place, the Red House... the oldest coffee shop in Katong, if not in the whole of Singapore. Looking at the building facade, you would think it's not very much well-kept, but it's actually a preserved building. We take a couple of pictures before entering the coffee shop, a haven away from the blistering sun. Inside the shop, I feel transfixed to another age... the furnitures all old, and even the people manning the counters and the tables were old. The temperature's not a lot different inside the shop from out... it's still warm and the old ceiling fan's didn't help a lot. But the old chairs were comfortable, the booth we sat in interesting and the people coming and going were a view to watch.

I asked where the restroom was and Antonia and I were directed out back of the shop and we followed a trail of old baking equipments and machines quite typical of the place. I wanted to get some pictures but I only managed to get one of an ancient bread slicer before one of the proprietors stopped me. So I went back to the front room, settled myself, and prepared to enjoy a cool glass of iced coffee, only $0.80, thank you very much, took some more pictures and waited for Antonia's friend Sharon.
ancient bread maker...
katong bakery...
entrance to the katong coffee shop...
inside the katong bakery...
open windows...
red posts for a red house...
me, jet and sharon...
old shop for old men...
customers... old and young
jet and i outside the katong bakery...
jet outside in black and white...great pic
lonely sidewalks...
posing outside....